Sunday, 19 June 2011

jQuery Carousel

Options can be passed to the jquery.carousel method in the form of an associative array:
  • Direction determines the direction of the carousel (horizontal by default)
  • Loop, set to true, allows you to define a carousel that loops (false by default)
  • DispItems determines the number of items to display per step (default 1)
  • Pagination, set to true, allows you to display a paginated carousel. (false by default)
  • PaginationPosition (depends on pagination) determines the page position relative to the main slide container. (inside by default)
  • NextBtn sets the html needed to render the 'Next' button. ("Next" span by default)
  • PrevBtn sets the html needed to render the 'Previous' button. ("Previous" span by default)
  • BtnsPosition determines the position of buttons relative to the main slide container. (inside by default)
  • NextBtnInsert (depends on btnsPosition) determines how the nextBtn element is inserted into the DOM. (appendTo par défaut)
  • PrevBtnInsert (depends on btnsPosition) determines how the prevBtn element is inserted into the DOM. (prependTo by default)
  • AutoSlide, set to true, allows you to automatically click the Next button at a given interval. (false by default)
  • AutoSlideInterval (depends on autoSlide) determines the delay between each click using the autoSlide option (3000 default)
  • DelayAutoSlide (depends on autoSlide) allows you to set a time delay between two co-existing carousels (0 default)
  • CombinedClasses, set to true, allows you to emulate multiple classes in IE6 (false by default)
  • Effect allows you to define animated effects that use jQuery to transition from one item in the carousel to the next (slide by default, effects integrated into jQuery - see the documentation).
  • SlideEasing (if: effect="slide"), enables the easing effect in the slide animation (swing by default, see the documentation for the plugin easing.js for combinations if necessary)
  • AnimSpeed (if: effect="slide") determines the speed of the animation when using slide. (normal by default)

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