Sunday, 19 June 2011

A simple slideshow with jquery

A simple slideshow-script, started onload or by link, the transition is fading, once started, the script runs nonstop.


The script shows the given images in the selected DIV-container. It is started either automatically on page load or by the click on optional control-elements. On page load the script replaces the contents of the given DIV-container which gives you the opportunity to integrate a static picture or a notice (like: the slideshow requires JavaScript) thus providing a fallback for visitors with JavaScript disabled.


The script works thinkable easy. The given pictures lie one upon the other in a DIV-container. The "one upon the other" is realized by the use of the z-index. Whilst sliding through the pictures the topmost picture is faded out and then - as in a pack of cards - put to the bottom of the deck. That´s all.

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